Core Values




SAGE is a targeted growth and profitability program equipping business owners to realize longterm financial success and sustainability.
SAGE is for business owners who are serious about growing their business.
SAGE provides experiential learning, based on your business with peer-to-peer support.
SAGE is for business owners who have successfully surpassed the start up phase and are ready to grow to the next level.
SAGE is the provider of proven insights, tools and techniques from business professionals who have lived through growth challenges.
SAGE is your source to address challenges that the growing business faces.
SAGE OWNER INC provides a targeted entrepreneurial program that supports business owners committed to growing and sustaining a thriving business for the long term.
Our mission is to be the most impactful business program in the United States by empowering small businesses not only to survive but to grow profitably in good and challenging times.

SAGE's history proves 10 to 15-year minimum longevity

Expanded operations in the US and globally

Professional service organizations went from local to national
Being a part of the SAGE process provides outstanding value and invaluable results for its members.

Recognized as the top 1% in profitability for their industry

Medical practices have grown 8-fold

Manufacturers have expanded US operations globally

Successfully sold their business to international corporations at a high premium

Added new
revenue streams​

Increased Profit Margins and Financial Acumen

Warren Denniston, Co-Partner
wkd@SageOwner.com | Phone: 630.258.4175
From the guy who did collections to the guy who ran the Fortune company. A turn-around expert who has “seen and heard it all;” one who understands how to quickly identify key changes that align business to profitability and growth. Passionate about entrepreneurs and rewarded by their achievements. The Profit/Growth Accelerator program contains the wisdom, insights, and “must-have” knowledge every entrepreneur needs to grow and sustain a career in the business world.

Pam Denniston, Co-Partner
pam@SageOwner.com | Phone: 630.258.4175
A life-long business junkie. A Masters in Organization Development. A career growing, changing and developing companies of all sizes. Experienced at implementing systemic business growth and walking beside individuals during life transitions. All skills honed and laser focused on the entrepreneur ready to scale through SAGE OWNER programming.

Jen Coffel, Co-Partner
jen@SageOwner.com | Phone: 815.690.9095
With two decades of business experience, Jen built her first 4 businesses to 6 figures each, all in under a year and all in different industries. She has now helped over a thousand entrepreneurs build their businesses with many reaching 6-figure and 7-figure revenue. Jen has an innovative and down to earth speaking style audiences love. Her speaking topics include: “The Six-Figure Solution: Three powerful keys to turning your (online or offline) business into a profit-generating machine” and “Accelerate Your Virtual Sales: Three keys to generating endless leads and clients with virtual speaking.”
In her previous career, she developed the largest team in Illinois for a billion-dollar direct sales company, personally generating over $25 million in sales and raising over $1 million in donations for non-profits. But she is most proud of founding her own international non-profit “Handing Hope” which brings comfort and smiles to children battling cancer in twelve states and three countries around the world.

Deb Venable, National Sales Mgr.
deb@SageOwner.com | Phone: 312.296.2818

Lori Hilson Cioromski, Co-Partner
lori@SageOwner.com | Phone: 630.917.2887
Lori brings 32 years of experience as an award winning leader primarily in the chemical distribution industry and more recently in entrepreneurship growth and development. She is also the recipient of NAWBO Chicago’s “2012 Business Women of the Year Award”. NAWBO Chicago’s “2011 Member of the Year Award”, the Emergency Fund’s “2011 Heart of the Community Award”, the 2010 “Enterprising Women of the Year” and The Business Ledger‘s 2008 “Entrepreneur Excellence Growth Award”
Over the past 5 years Lori is recognized in the following ways;
One of Crain’s 2019 Notable Entrepreneurs,
Recipient of the 2019 “Enterprising Women on the Year”,
Inducted into UIC’s “Chicago Area Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame"
Received the “2014 Most Powerful & Influential Women Award” from the Illinois Diversity Council
As a 27-year entrepreneur and business owner, Deb understands first-hand the struggles and obstacles of growing a business. While running a successful tradeshow business for over 25 years, Deb survived many turns in the economy, juggled many struggles of day to day operations and knows what it takes to start, build and grow a company.
Now, Deb is utilizing her keen sales skills. As a leader in sales strategy, sales coaching and sales training, Deb's passion for people and progress help her work with business owners to generate significant, predictable & sustainable growth year after year. This includes working strategically with management teams to clear the fog and then with the sales team to build confidence.